Before You Interview at a Digital Marketing Agency, Read This 17-Step Guide – Titan Digital

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Before You Interview at a Digital Marketing Agency, Read This 17-Step Guide

Are you ready for your first digital marketing agency interview?

For many, interviewing is a scary experience, especially at a digital marketing agency.

While a resume and a nice smile can get you a job at some companies, agency interviews require far more than that. These 17 tips will help you put your best foot forward during your next interview at a digital marketing agency.


1. Fill Out Your Application Completely

If your agency of choice requires that you submit an online application, don’t skip any fields. While many application forms are programmed to require specific fields, others are not.

Why? To test you.

The agency is looking to see if you are focusing while applying for a job that requires an incredible amount of attention to detail. They are also looking to see if you are applying out of interest for the position or for the sake of applying.

2. Stand Out

Think about how many other people have applied for the same job as you. Your application needs to stand out. If you don’t stand out from the competition, you’ll fall to the bottom of the dreaded resume pile.

In an attempt to differentiate yourself from other applicants, customize your resume and interview materials for the position you are applying for.

DesignersListing your accomplishments on a Word document simply won’t cut it. Your interview materials should demonstrate your creativity and talent. Have fun with it!

WritersUse your carefully crafted words to convince us why you are the perfect writer for our team. Sure, we know you can write, but what’s different about you that our team could benefit from?

Interactive DesignersShow off your impressive talents through a video, application, or whatever your imaginative mind can create.

Find your way to stand out, be yourself and rock it.

3. But Also Be Professional

While it’s great to stand out, you still need to avoid spelling mistakes, calling me by the wrong name, or attaching the wrong files to your application or email. Take your time and ensure that your application or email is spot on before you click send.

Also, please do not name your resume “Resume.doc”. Choose a unique name for your files, such as including your name. Otherwise, your resume will get lost in the black hole that is the downloads folder.

4. Follow Up

I’m a busy person. With the growth of our company and the amount of projects we have going on, I may take a while to respond to your application. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I have a billion other tasks to complete.

While following up may be common sense to many of you, you’d be surprised how many people do not follow up if I do not respond within a week or more. Hint: wait at least a week to follow up. Please.

Following up is simple and painless. For our convenience, attach your credentials to your email. Following up with us proves that you are serious about applying to our agency and able to keep track of time.


Congrats, you got an interview! Now what?

5. Follow the Company on Social Media

While liking the agency’s Facebook page won’t make or break your interview, it can’t hurt!

Some agencies will check to see if you are following their accounts online (especially if your future job is related to social media) before the interview begins.

Shameless plug: If you intend on applying to join the tremendous team of Titans, make sure you follow us on at least one or two of the following networks:

Bonus points if you happen to share any of our lovely blog posts too!

6. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare!

Even if your interview is two weeks away, start familiarizing yourself with the agency’s services, clients, previous work, employees, anything. There is nothing worse than going into an interview and knowing absolutely nothing about what the company does or has done.

If they offer a service you don’t understand, look it up. If they have a client you’ve never heard of, look it up. If they won an award, look it up.

The Internet is a wonderful place bursting with answers that will benefit you during the interview process.

7. Get Excited!

Clearly you impressed the right person and now you’re scheduled for an interview. Celebrate! You deserve it.

8. But Don’t Forget To Rest

Would you believe that many people forget to get a good night’s sleep the night before the big interview? Quick tip: we can tell if you’re over-tired or worse, hung over.


9. Dress Appropriately

Every agency has their own company culture. For instance, at Titan Web Marketing Solutions we have a fun environment with a casual dress code. If you’d like to wear jeans on a Monday, go for it. However, other agencies require strict dress codes.

When you interview for a position at a digital marketing agency, dress nicely regardless of their company culture. You don’t need to dress to the nines, but don’t look like you just rolled out of bed either.

Also consider the position you are interviewing for. Those interviewing for a Business Development or Sales job better look spiffy!

10. Have Your Ducks In a Row

While your brain may contain the secrets to life, you can’t just show up with yourself. Bring the following:

  • Several copies of your resume (You never know how many people you will be meeting with.)
  • Your portfolio*
  • Business cards, if you have them
  • A notepad and a pencil
  • Questions

*Please, please, please show up with a spellchecked, up-to-date portfolio. Designers and writers, we won’t be able to understand your talents without proof! Developers, show us your latest application, website, or program and walk us through the functions. While a website is great for creative geniuses of all kind, we also appreciate some sort of physical portfolio to look at throughout the interview.

11. Show Up On Time

I grew up in a rigorous, traditional martial arts environment. From the minute you tied the white belt around your waist, the following mantra was instilled into your subconscious:

If you’re 15 minutes early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, good luck.[/blockquote]

With that said — show up on time. Don’t show up an hour early, or even five minutes late.

You’re interviewing for a job that requires you adhere to strict deadlines. All agencies have deadlines, and all agencies must stick to them. Think of your interview time as a deadline. If you can’t show up on time, it tells the interviewer that you’ll have difficulty sticking to deadlines.

Give yourself enough time to beat rush hour traffic and for the possibility of getting lost. If you have to sit in the parking lot for a little bit, so be it — you’ll be on time.


12. Relax — You’ll Do Great!

We all get nervous. It’s a part of life. Unfortunately, interviews can be a nerve-wracking situation for many people. Many agencies have a welcoming and unintimidating environment (it helps with our creativity); so just get psyched that you may have the opportunity to work there. Get excited, relax, and show them what you’ve got.

13. Answer Honestly

Agencies are not only looking for someone with the right experience and credentials, but also someone who jives with their culture. You could have the most impressive resume, awards, degrees, and professional career, but if you won’t work well with our current staff, we’ll have a difficult time justifying your employment.

It all goes back to being yourself! Answer the interviewer’s questions truthfully and honestly, and you’ll have no problems.

14. Always Have Questions

There’s a reason interviewers ask if you have any questions at the end of an interview. We want to see if you’ve done your research. If you have, you’ll have at least a few questions for us regarding our services, company culture, work-life balance, etc. One of the best interviews we’ve ever conducted was also one of the longest. Why? Because the interviewee asked so many good questions.

Also, please don’t ask about money and benefits right off the bat. We want to know that you’re interested in the position for the professional opportunities, not the money.


15. Thank the Interviewer for Their Time

Whether via an email, a hand-written letter, or even a quick phone call, be sure to follow up with the interviewer and thank them for their time.

Personally, I enjoy receiving hand-written letters. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile. In one of the best interviews I have personally conducted, the applicant followed up not only via email, but also with a thoughtful hand-written letter. While the technology of pen and paper may be outdated, common courtesy is not.

16. Know That We Will Review Your Interview, Credentials, and Possibly Social Media Accounts

Very rarely do we hire on the spot. After you leave the room we will discuss our thoughts on the interview. This also means that we may (only if we feel it’s necessary) double check your social media accounts to see if anything was said beforehand or afterwards. Just be on your best online behavior before, during and after the interview.

17. Celebrate and Wait

Often times, you are not the only individual we are interviewing. In the mean time, celebrate the fact that you survived the interview and wait for our response. But if you’ve learned anything from this article, you should know that waiting around means you have time to prepare for whatever lies ahead.  

Study these 17 tips and rock your interview!

We’re looking for creative and enthusiastic interns to join our team. Do you have what it takes? If you read this blog, you’re one step ahead. Apply today.

Titan Digital provides marketing services to businesses all throughout the United States. If your business needs digital marketing help Contact Us today.