The Learning Center
AKA... The Blog
AKA... The Blog
It’s a great day! Your new business is up and running and all of your hard work is about to pay off. Now it’s time to promote your business and get the word out to people about who you are, what you do and how you can help them.
Let’s assume that you’ve put some thought into your brand already. At the very least, you should have a logo and you have an idea about what the mission of your company is. You’ve developed a tagline and you know your colors. Now you’re ready for the next step and that’s telling the world over and over about who you are.
1. Put your logo and tagline on everything you print – If you think about it, there are an astounding number of places you can put your logo and tagline. Invoices, letterhead, brochures, business cards, presentation materials, print ads, packaging and even your business checks, assuming you still use them occasionally. Most people send out plenty of printed items and each is an opportunity to promote your brand. So stamp everything with your logo and tagline if possible.
2. Put your logo and tagline on everything digital – Email signature lines are great for spreading your brand. Don’t stop at just your signature line though. If you have employees, then they should have branded signature lines as well. If you use digital brochures, then those need to be branded. If you send out contracts electronically, then brand those. If you have an email newsletter, then brand that. If it’s digital, it needs to be branded.
3. Brand your website – I know this seems obvious, but I’ve seen plenty of websites that lack the very basics of branding. The typical reason is that the company is using some sort of website template and the template doesn’t have many options. Regardless, your website must have your logo and should have your company colors integrated.
4. Brand your Social Media – Another thing that seems obvious is to make sure your Facebook page has your logo and tagline. Many don’t, but should. Assuming your Facebook page is covered, did you remember your LinkedIn company page? How about your LinkedIn personal profile? Or better yet, how about your employees LinkedIn profiles? Every time an employee makes a new connection they can spread your brand further.
5. Brand your online business listings – There are literally hundreds of places you can list your business online. YellowBook, Yelp, Yahoo, Superpages, the list seems endless. Claim them all and plant your brand on every listing. It will help you spread your brand across the internet.
Branding is about consistency and building a brand takes time, but you have easy ways right at your fingertips to do it. The key is taking the time to do it. Remember that every print piece, email signature, social media profile and business listing that you brand will make your company stronger.
If you need help designing a logo for your company or spreading your brand call our office at 615-890-3600 or email us. We can help create or use your logo to help better spread the word about your company.
Titan Digital provides marketing services to businesses all throughout the United States. If your business needs digital marketing help Contact Us today.