The Learning Center
AKA... The Blog
AKA... The Blog
Social media provides several avenues to connect with customers and potential customers. Most businesses, particularly those that are brand-based and provide a particular product or service, use Facebook and LinkedIn.
A few others to consider let you use video clips and photographs to demonstrate and illustrate what you do as well. Don’t feel obligated to use a bunch of social media outlets. Stick with a handful at most and cultivate your followers and friends by engaging them in a conversation. Remember, your business might not fit into every social media platform available.
Where do your customers hang out online? Chances are it’s Facebook and, if you sell directly to the public (business to consumer, or B2C), you need a Facebook business page. It’s free, and Facebook has a nice step-by-step wizard to help you define your company, which in turn can help people discover it. Search Engine Journal reports on a study by GroSocial that notes 47 percent of Americans say Facebook has the largest impact of all social media on their buying behaviors.
[tweet_this_percent tweet=”Did you know 47%25 of Americans say Facebook has the largest social media impact on buying behaviors?” posturl=”” display-tweet=”Did you know 47% of Americans say Facebook has the largest social media impact on buying behaviors?”]
Twitter is another avenue to find and talk to customers. Twitter keeps things brief and also offers a wonderful way for people to review your business. Visitors can learn quite a bit from a Twitter page and quickly scan tweets and retweets. For example, LifeLock’s Twitter page shows tweets relevant to its business and customer interests, as well as its active support of a charitable organization. By using the hashtag, LifeLock brings more attention to the organization and its Twitter page, which indicates that support has gone international.
“Engage” might be one of the most overused words in business today, particularly when the conversation turns to social media. But engaging people — getting their attention and inviting them to join in a conversation — is what social media should be about. When it works, it can really help your business take off.
How does this work? Create great content that attracts readers and encourages them to stick around. GroSocial offers the following pointers that work well with on content-based social media.
If you’re a business owner, you may not have the time or energy to keep an active social media presence for your company. Instead, let the social media pros at Titan Web Marketing Solutions take care of your social media channels. Call us today at 615-890-3600 to learn how we can help grow and captivate your online audience.
Titan Digital provides marketing services to businesses all throughout the United States. If your business needs digital marketing help Contact Us today.