When Going Local Don't Forget About Bing Local | Titan Digital

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When Going Local Don’t Forget About Bing Local

Google, Google, Google. When dealing with search engines Google is always at the top of the list. And rightfully so but there has been such a focus on Google both for organic search, local search and paid search that most people totally forget that Bing and Yahoo have options as well. Of course we know that you’ll never get the same amount of visitors from even Bing and Yahoo combined as you will from Google but they also shouldn’t be overlooked either. And if you’re using local search to promote your business and you’ve optimized your Google Places otherwise now known as Google+ Local listing then you need to claim your presence on Bing Local too.

Bing local is more like Google Places then it is like Yahoo local because of one primary reason. When you claim your listing on Bing they send you a postcard with a code that will allow you to verify your listing. This is the exact same thing that Google does. Yahoo on the other hand allows you to claim your listing and you can then submit changes to Yahoo for your listing. The problem with Yahoo is that they will make the changes whenever they feel like getting around to it and the listings are limited in what they can display. Bing on the other hand is built more like Google and allows you to build out a very complete listing with coupons, photos, categories, descriptions and more. And what really matters is tat when you make a change it will go into effect within a day or two and you can make all the changes you want.

But control isn’t even the most important aspect. The fact is there is so much emphasis on Google that most local businesses rarely claim their listings. Even the companies that claim to be able to get your business to the top of Google totally ignore Bing Local as well. I’ve found that if you ignore Bing Local then you are ignoring a solid business opportunity.

Just like Google Places if you want to rank well on Bing Local you first have to build out your listing completely. That step alone will probably be enough to at least get you into the top ten local results. But most times it’s good enough to get your business into the top 5 local listings.

Once you complete your listing you’re essentially done. The reason you’re done is because the same things you do to improve your ranking in Google is going to help you with Bing as well. Whether you’re optimizing your website or building links your listing will only get stronger.

Using Google Places to promote your business locally is great but don’t ignore Bing. A great search ranking is not hard to get and it will definitely help your business in the long run.

If you are thinking about using Local Search to market your business and would like a Free Consultation then call us at 615-890-3600 or email us. We don’t just target Google Maps. Why have a piece of the pie when you can have the whole thing.

Titan Digital provides marketing services to businesses all throughout the United States. If your business needs digital marketing help Contact Us today.