Why Website Security Should Be Your Top Priority | Titan Digital

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Why Website Security Should Be Your Top Priority

The concept of website security varies from individual to individual. Most definitions will focus on keeping your website secure to prevent attacks such as SQL injections. But what many fail to mention or consider, is that it is just as important to keep your website secure for your visitors. The main reason why your website needs to be secure is to prevent unauthorized people from damaging a site that took a lot of time to build and destroying your hard earned reputation in a matter of seconds.

Always Use an Encrypted Connection to Manage Your Website


FTP used to be the go-to method of managing a website and uploading files. As hackers have become more savvy and hosting has moved towards remote and cloud servers, it’s even more imperative to use a secure connection. An open source software package mostly found on Mac OSX and Linux, called OpenSSH, can make your website management less stressful.

Backup, Backup, Backup!

Try as you might to keep your website secure, it could always end up being compromised. If your site is compromised, all your data could become deleted, and you may potentially lose access to the site for some time. Depending on how often you update your website, you could utilize a service like Backup Buddy to save a copy of your site automatically without having to remember to do so.

Encrypt Login Pages

Don’t just encrypt your website after your users sign in. Make sure that the sign-in page is also encrypted to ensure security for your users. If hackers do obtain the login data of users it could become a huge inconvenience, resulting in the need to mass message your users and inform them of their potentially compromised login credentials. Remember to prompt users to change their passwords to avoid further complications. This incident can also diminish user trust, which may damage your online and professional reputation.

Secure Your Data Form Validation

Though it is safe to assume your users have some form of identity theft protection, you do not want to skimp on securing data forms. If your data forms use Javascript, you may want to consider coding it differently for users that have Javascript disabled. Another problem could potentially be client-side validation. You may want to consider switching your validation to server side validation or duplicating your client side validation with server side validation.

There is no tactic or method that is a complete fail-safe for securing your website data or the data of your users. The best you can do is be proactive in your website security, and keep up to date with security threats as they’re unveiled. So long as you are proactive in your efforts and keep an open line of communication with your site visitors, you’ll gain their trust and keep your name (and business) untarnished.

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